Tenant signs on a pylon sign with transparent vinyl lit up at night

Signage has increasingly gone digital and this trend has only escalated over the past few years with the introduction of restaurant kiosks, interactive digital signage in airports and museums, and the continued use of EMCs (Electronic Message Centers.) In the past, digital signage had to be networked at the site of the business, church, or school, so that changes could only be made if you had access to the local network or computer. Now with the advancement in Cloud technologies, it’s easier than ever to manage your digital signage.

What is the difference between Cloud-Based Digital Signage and Traditional Digital Signage?

Traditional digital signage is managed on-site most often by the business, church, or school overseeing the sign. To update the content on a traditional digital sign, the user would therefore need to be either hard wired or connected wirelessly to the sign via a local network.

Cloud-Based Digital Signage on the other hand doesn’t need to be operated at such a local level, therefore allowing control of the sign by users far from the sign site if needed. This is instead run by a remote server (as opposed to a local server), which allows for the Cloud environment to exist.

What are the benefits of Cloud-Based Digital Signage?

  • Control over access
  • No longer have to be tethered to on-site server to make changes
  • Ability to make changes on mobile devices

Cloud-Based Digital Signage allows for ease of access and control over your digital signage. You can still control who among your team makes the updates, while also allowing for ease of access. Our partner Vantage LEDs for instance promises “Anytime, Anywhere, Any Device, & Any User” with their Cloudware technology. You are not even restricted to a desktop as you can use a mobile device.

How do I get a Cloud Server Digital Signage setup for my business?

We at Ortwein Sign would be happy to discuss your options for setting up a Cloud-Based Digital Signage that fits your needs! Give us a call at (423) 867-9208 or visit www.OrtweinSign.com/Contact-Us