The Economics Center at the University of Cincinnati conducted research on sign effectiveness, producing report “The Economic Value of On-Premise Signage.” The study showed that “the visual communication provided by on-premise business signage is essential for the efficient function of our system of commerce and the success of many businesses. Effective signage can drive job creation, generate tax revenues, and provide quality access to goods and services.” [ninja_forms_modal_form id=14 image_link=]While this is great for the society at large what difference does it make for you, the business owner that has to purchase your signage? The study showed that for the majority of businesses the two most important characteristics of a good sign that helped them bring business to their operation was:

  1. Clearly readable
  2. Conspicuousness

Of the survey respondents that had upgraded their signage in the last five years, changing their design, increasing the visibility of their signs, increasing the size of their signs and increasing the number of signs on premise showed the following increases.

Perceived Impact of Sign Changes on Business Performance

Performance Measure % Reporting Increase Average Increase
Sales 65% 12%
Transactions 62% 11%
Profits 59% 9%
Staffing 23% 6%

The Economic Value of On-Premise Signage, University of Cincinnati, August 2012

It was further noted that businesses emphasizing conspicuousness were more likely to report larger increases in sales. So what do you think? Is it time you considered upgrading your signage? I was so influenced by what I found in researching this subject that I did. I refreshed the corporate brand from




You can imagine the lighting changes this new design has enabled for the brand and I am amazed at the positive reaction I have already received. If you would like to learn more or inquire on replacing or upgrading your signage to improve your sales and profits click here to provide your information and have one of our signage consultants contact you to answer your questions.

About the author: Terry Massey is the managing partner for AmeriStride, a business growth, performance management and leadership development firm. He serves as Chapter President for Truth@Work, a Christian business leaders’ roundtable forum. Terry is dedicated to instilling business principles, disciplines and tools to ensure leadership can build organizations that reward success and learning; that lead in their industries and in their communities; and achieve a sustainable growth path year after year.