"A man digs the ground with a shovel" by Nenad Stojkovic is licensed under CC BY 2.0

811 is the national service that was established to by the U.S. Federal Communications Comission in March 10, 2005 to serve as the primary number for location services for underground public utilities in the United States.

How to Avoid Utility Lines When Digging

Whether you’re a homeowner or a sign installer, it’s essential to call 811 before any substantial dig. Why 811? This service helps you identify public utility lines at or near your dig site, preventing potential hazards and costly repairs. It’s often called the “one-call” service, as it’s the one call to make before breaking ground.

According to TN 811’s guidelines: “Damage to underground utility lines can cause far-reaching consequences, from serious injury to the loss of vital services. Preventing damage to these facilities is a responsibility shared by all stakeholders, achieved through damage prevention measures.”

At Ortwein Sign, we prioritize this step by calling 811 to assess every dig site and verify the location of utility lines. With our comprehensive code searches, sign permits, and electrical checks, we ensure your sign installation process is smooth and worry-free.

Comprehensive List of 811 Services by U.S. State and Territory

Find information for each U.S. state and territory’s 811 services. These resources will help you learn about local dig laws and 811 services specific to your area.

811 Services in U.S. States

  1. Alabamaal811.com
  2. Alaskaalaska811.com
  3. Arizonaarizona811.com
  4. Arkansasarkansas811.com
  5. Californiacalifornia811.org
  6. Coloradocolorado811.org
  7. Connecticutcbyd.com
  8. Delawaremissutilitydelmarva.com
  9. Floridasunshine811.com
  10. Georgiageorgia811.com
  11. Hawaiidigsafelyhawaii.com
  12. Idahodigline.com
  13. Illinoisillinois1call.com
  14. Indianaindiana811.org
  15. Iowaiowaonecall.com
  16. Kansaskansas811.com
  17. Kentuckykentucky811.org
  18. Louisianalouisiana811.com
  19. Mainedigsafelymaine.com
  20. Marylandmissutility.net
  21. Massachusettsdigsafe.com
  22. Michiganmissdig811.org
  23. Minnesotagopherstateonecall.org
  24. Mississippims811.org
  25. Missourimo1call.com
  26. Montanamontana811.org
  27. Nebraskane1call.com
  28. Nevadausanorth811.org
  29. New Hampshiredigsafe.com
  30. New Jerseynj1-call.org
  31. New Mexiconm811.org
  32. New Yorkdigsafelynewyork.com
  33. North Carolinanc811.org
  34. North Dakotandonecall.com
  35. Ohiooups.org
  36. Oklahomaokie811.org
  37. Oregondigsafelyoregon.com
  38. Pennsylvaniapaonecall.org
  39. Rhode Islanddigsafe.com
  40. South Carolinasc811.com
  41. South Dakotasdonecall.com
  42. Tennesseetennessee811.com
  43. Texastexas811.org
  44. Utahbluestakes.org
  45. Vermontdigsafe.com
  46. Virginiava811.com
  47. Washingtoncallbeforeyoudig.org
  48. West Virginiawv811.com
  49. Wisconsindiggershotline.com
  50. Wyomingonecallofwyoming.com

811 Services in U.S. Territories

  1. Guamguam811.com
  2. Puerto Ricopuertorico811.com
  3. Virgin Islandsvi811.com