Whether it’s your first business, or you’re expanding with a new location, you may now have a building or property and are asking yourself where can and where should I put my business signage? In this blog we will discuss how that answer comes from a combination of factors including your personal preference as a business owner, the suggestions and expertise of our sign account managers, who themselves are versed in the next factor local municipal codes, requirements, and regulations, and lastly the price of what sign options you can afford.
1. Where I Want to Put My Business Sign
If you have a new business, you likely have a preference for where you would like your business sign. If you have a storefront with a clear front facade you’ll likely want a front facing sign. If you have a building on a corner or alongside a road you may also want a sign that can face passersby be they pedestrians or cars in traffic. Ultimately you may have many preferences and we encourage you to discuss these with your Ortwein Sign sales account manager who will listen to your wants and needs and ultimately bring in their expertise.
2. How Do Sign Requirements, Codes, and Regulations Affect the Placement of my Business Signage

Pylon Sign for a medical office
We’ve previously discussed the use of sign permits by municipalities to enforce a type of consistent look with signage, and though business sign requirements determined by municipalities affect many elements, from a sign’s design to the sign’s type, perhaps most importantly of all it affects the sign location. For instance a pylon or monument sign, often colloquially known as street signs, are signs that are often sizeable and are placed at the edge of a business’s property often by a street or entrance. Many smaller communities may not allow pylon signs, the larger of these two sign types, and thus you may have to consider a smaller monument sign for your business. Or perhaps even you may not have the right property size or rightaway to place a monument sign, in which case you will have to only consider the type of signage you can put on your business’s building itself.
3. How Will a Sign Salesperson Help with My Signage Placement?
At Ortwein Sign, our sales account managers are well-versed in the sign code for your municipaliy, and thus when they come out to meet with you they will also come knowing what you are allowed and not allowed to do within your municipalities regulations. This expertise helps ensure we do not waste your time by offering suggestions that otherwise would be nixed by codes. More broadly our sales account managers also have expertise with regards to sign placement, so they will offer suggestions within the allowable sign placement options that will best serve your business. For instance, while you may have considered only a sign on the front of your building, if your business is on a corner then our sign account manager will perhaps see an opportunity for a blade sign to standout to catch traffic going both directions by your business.
4. How Does My Signage Budget Affect My Business Sign’s Location?
We understand every business owner has a budget in mind for their signage, and we will work within your paramaters to deliver the best signage that fits your budget. Where budget may come up in particular, as a boon or a hindrance for your sign placement, is with regards to the type of signs and perhaps even the number of signs. If you are allowed to have a monument sign or a pylon sign you may want to consider such an option; however, as these signs are larger they may cost more than you originally budgeted for. Though we do strongly champion the ROI value of on-premise signage (not simply anecdotally either, but due to research and real world numbers), our sales representative will discuss with you your options to see if this is a good fit for your budget. Perhaps ultimately you choose to go with signage that goes on the face of your building, and then we can present a number of options that may fit in your budget as well. Lit channel letters for instance are a popular and effective way of showcasign your business in daytime and night so those may be perfect for your budget. If you are needing to consider a different budgetary option then our sales representative may suggest considering ACM signs.
Ortwein Sign is Here to Help with Your Business Signage Needs
At Ortwein Sign, we pride ourselves on our client focus as we put your needs first. This means that when it comes to your signage placement we are considering first and foremost what will help your business stand out. We succeed when you succeed, and we will work hard to put our craftmanship to work for you! If you are considering a new sign for your business, give us a call at (423) 867-9208 or visit www.OrtweinSign.com/Contact-Us to learn how we can help you.