by | May 24, 2022 | Ortwein Insights |
As a 99 year old sign company, we appreciate the value of vintage and historic signs, buildings, and places. We also love seeing the movement over the last few decades to maintain the integrity of more and more buildings, while still finding new life and purpose for... by | Apr 20, 2022 | Ortwein Insights
Commercial Property Owners and Tenants work closely together, but at times each person may feel like they’re speaking different languages. Of course they have their own unique wants and needs out of the relationship; however, ultimately they can have a successful... by | Mar 22, 2022 | Ortwein Insights |
If you own a car wash, then you know that signs can be one of the greatest assets at your disposal to bring in customers. In this guide, we breakdown how signage can work for you and your car wash business. Pylon and Monument Signs Pylon signs or monument signs stand... by | Jan 20, 2022 | Ortwein Insights |
2022’s started much the same as 2021, with a healthy amount of uncertainty. Even in this business climate, there are still opportunities to grow your business. Here are 5 tips to consider to help grow your business this year. 1. Take Advantage of the “New” Even as... by | Dec 21, 2021 | Ortwein Insights |
2021 continued to be a year of challenges, though our predictions for the signage industry rang pretty true. We may not know what 2022 will hold for our industry; however, here are a few trends we’ve already begun to see that we think will start, or continue, to... by | Nov 24, 2021 | Ortwein Insights |
As part of our client services at Ortwein Sign, we help apply for and acquire sign permits for many of our clients. This has given us expertise over the years in this element of the sign fabrication and installation process, and we’d like to share the how and...